Here's what we offer!
Housing Stabilization Services
Housing Stabilization Services (HSS) is an innovative Home and Community Based Service designed to aid individuals with disabilities in securing housing. This comprehensive program assists in establishing a sustainable living budget, fostering connections with landlords and neighbors for community support, and ensuring understanding of lease obligations.
Eligibility for HSS requires individuals to be 18 years or older, receiving Medical Assistance, experiencing housing instability, and having a disability or disabling condition necessitating support services. Admission into the Respond Housing Services HSS program is contingent upon verification by the State of Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS).
Applicants must provide documentation for DHS Eligibility Verification Review, including a professional statement of need or medical opinion form, proof of receiving SSI or SSDI, and either an MN Choices Assessment, Long Term Care Coordination Plan, or Coordinated Entry Assessment.
Eligibility Criteria for Housing Stabilization Services:
Be on Medical Assistance (MA).
Be 18 years or older.
Have a disability or disabling condition.
Have experienced housing instability, including:
Transitioning from an institution
Being at risk of homelessness or institutionalization
Require assistance in at least one of the following areas due to a disability:
Managing challenging behaviors